Without a People Strategy, There is No Brand Strategy

The Eight Questions You Should Ask to Define Your People Strategy The focus on brand strategy is almost always on the market situation, unique business model, competitive strategy, and product focus, or the company.  The core message, the differentiation from competitors, is what makes this brand unique and building that into a marketing campaign is…

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The Toilet Paper Conundrum

Buying behavior is based on some of the most basic emotional drivers: survival and status. What people believe they need is more important than any information that may inform them otherwise. How we act is essentially an emotionally-based experience that drives us and we then translate our choices into logical and rational reasoning that we have carefully figured out after the fact.

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Noodle Theory: How to Reopen Retail and Bring Back People

In the small German town of Schwerin on a warm spring day in May, as Germany is beginning to open up and come back to some semblance of normality, Cafe Rothe had just re-opened after months of closure, and they provided a handy way of keeping people safely apart while they had their coffee. The owner provided noodle hats…

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Time to Pivot: Five things to do to Reinvent Your Brand Strategy

First, remember, who you are is not the same. The key is understanding that the rules that governed what you did and how you did it for your business or non-profit have all changed. The radical shift in the world caused by literally turning off almost all business transactions and activities that drive consumer behavior…

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Brand Winners and Losers in 2019

It’s harder than ever for a brand to keep the focus on its promise. Enormous market forces pushing from all sides, the potential for extremely high returns if you take risks, global competitors after your brand and fickle customers ready to damage your reputation at any moment create enormous challenges to staying focused on long term value.

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Retail’s Not Dead Yet. The New World of Experience Retail.

Like all changes in economic behavior shifts in technology empowering access to global markets have changed the retail world we’ve known. its a dramatic period of redefinition, new competition, evolution, and extinction. But actual shopping is not going away it’s just changing…

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